The preface of Door-to-Door Millionaire: Secrets of Making the Sale, tells the story of how I sold an Eskimo classmate on becoming my friend. I still consider this to be one of my best sales to-date. I also share how I came to the realization that I was great at selling door to door.
In my opinion, confidence is the most important trait a door-to-door sales rep can obtain. In the course of your selling career, you will likely encounter thousands of potential clients, and if each of them takes away anything from your conversation, it should be the confidence you have in yourself and the product or service you are selling.
That being noted, there is a definitive line between being confident and being cocky. A confident sales rep will not slander people, become argumentative or spiteful. A confident sales rep gives people an honest, straightforward explanation of what they are offering and why it is needed.
Confidence can only be attained by increasing your knowledge and practicing proven sales skills. The more you know and the more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel while conversing with potential customers on a daily basis.
So, practice…yes, I’m talking about practice. Practice with a friend, a spouse or even in the mirror. Make sure you feel comfortable doing what you’ll be doing day in and day out.
On the doors you are only successful when you are in control of the conversation. The idea is to gain and maintain control of the conversation from start to finish. That’s why you establish your presence on their doorstep by exuding confidence.
Remember, you are in charge of the conversation and you are the one with the knowledge. Having confidence in yourself and what you are selling will make the potential customer more attracted to what you are saying and, in the end, help you to become more successful.
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