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Another Summer, 5 Lessons Learned


This summer marked my 19th year in the door-to-door sales industry.

I’ve now knocked doors with over 400 sales reps!

Although it seems as though I’ve seen and heard it all, there are still valuable lessons I take from each selling season.

Top 5 Lessons of 2016

  1. Training is Vital: Sales reps who receive inferior training can expect an inferior experience.
  2. Repetition is Key: The more time on the doors, the better the sales rep. Reps who put in the time, reap the rewards.
  3. Integrity Matters: Sales reps who accept and practice unethical behavior on the doors are shameful.
  4. Competition Sharpens the Sword: Reps can achieve amazing results through healthy competitions among their peers.
  5. I Love What I Do: I find it extremely rewarding to see sales reps work hard and achieve their goals.

Door-to-door sales is not for the faint of heart. It’s difficult, demanding and downright discouraging. However, those who cross the finish line having given their best effort throughout the entire race, can take courage knowing whatever challenges they face in life can be overcome.

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Lenny Gray



P.S. If you are thinking about starting a Door-to-Door Sales Program, or looking to improve your current program, be sure to check out my FREE Video Training – How to Run an Effective Door-to-Door Sales Training Camp for your Sales Team by clicking HERE.

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